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How do the staff relate to tour family and the community?

1. A good program considers and supports the needs of the entire family.

Are parents welcome to observe, discuss policies, make suggestions, and participate in the work of the center?

Do the staff members share with parents the highlights of their child's experiences?

Are the staff alert to matters affecting any member of the family which may also affect the child?

Do the staff respect families from varying cultures or backgrounds?

Does the center have written policies about fees, hours, holidays, illness, and other considerations?

2. Staff in a good center are aware of and contribute to community resources.

Do the staff share information about community recreational and learning opportunities with families?

Do the staff refer family members to a suitable agency when the need arises?

Are volunteers from the community encouraged to participate in the center's activities?

Does the center collaborate with other professional groups to provide the best care possible for children in the community?

Are the facility and program designed to meet the varied demands of young children, their families, and the staff?

1. The health of the children, staff, and parents is protected and promoted.

Are the staff alert to the health and safety of each chid and of themselves?

Are meals and snacks nutritious, varied, attractive, and served at appropriate times?

Do the staff wash hands with soap and water before handling food and after changing diapers? Are children's hands washed before eating and after toileting?

Are surfaces, equipment, and toys cleaned daily? Are they in good repair? Does each chid have an individual cot, mat or crib?

Are current medical records and emergency information maintained for each child and staff member? Is adequate sick leave provided for staff so they can remain at home when they are ill?

Is at least one staff member trained in first aid? Does the center have a health consultant?Are the rooms ventilated with fresh air daily?

2. The facility is safe for all children and adults.

Are indoor and outdoor environments safe for an accessible to children and adults, including those with disabilities?

Are the building and grounds well lighted and free of hazards? Are furnishings, sinks, and toilets safely accessible to children?

Are toxic materials stored in a locked cabinet? Are smoke detectors installed in appropriate locations?

Are indoor and outdoor surfaces cushioned with materials such as carpet or wood chips in areas with climbers, slides, or swings? Does every staff member know what to do in an emergency? Are emergency numbers posted by the telephone?

 Faqs: Staff, your family and community


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